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How to Clean Window Like A Pro?

Professional DIY Tips

· Cleaning
How to Clean Window Like A Pro

Are you looking for the best window cleaning solutions? Read this post carefully and follow the tips mentioned here;

Ideally speaking, windows should be washed professionally twice a year but this is the task people usually don’t look forward to. So these are some of the pretty easy steps that can help you clean your windows in less than 30 minutes.

All that Rubbing is not a Good Idea

For most of us, cleaning window is just moving dirt from one point to another and put a static charge on the glass which attracts more dust and dirt. Once you get the job done, the window starts looking dirty again. Whereas cleaning a window is far easier and can be cleaned effectively like a pro. Therefore, if you don’t know how to clean the window, stop worrying, and keep reading!

The techniques are not complicated; all you need are a few available tools and the results will surprise you. Follow these steps but first, make sure that the day is dry and there is no prediction of rain or storm else it’s useless.

Remove Dirt First

Before you start working on the windows, clean dirt from the window frames using a vacuum or brush. This will help you in preventing dirt from turning to a mess when mixed with cleaner. If your window is grimy, wash with hot water using a soft brush then dry it.

Choose the right Cleaner

If your window looks dirty, you should not hold back on the spray. You have to arrange plenty of cleaners to dissolve and suspend the dirt so it can be completely wiped away. Skimp and see the streaks yourself.

It would be much better if you go for an invisible glass cleaner, its fine mist stays where you spray till it gets wiped away. This ensures fewer drips and mess.

Wash using Strip Applicator

A long cloth head of a strip applicator soaked thoroughly in lukewarm soap water to knock down dirt without putting any mark on the glass. For a cleaning purpose you can add a squirt of dishwashing liquid in a bucket of normal to warm water; the fewer bubbles, the better it will be.

Wipeout with Squeegee

Starting from the top left of the windowpane, pull your squeegee over the soapy window in a reverse “S” pattern. By the end of every stroke, you should wipe the squeegee’s blade clean using a lint-free cloth or duster. You can also go for linen napkins and cloth diapers to do this task more efficiently.

window cleaning tips

Dry off Leftover Drips

Now dry off the remaining water or any soap leftover on the edges of the window using a damp and dry chamois which can soak up everything without putting any streak. Time to dry the windows using a cloth.

Stubborn Spots

Rainwater and hard water runoff through the metal window panes leave some stubborn mineral spots that normal washing can’t wipe off. So, once you will be done with regular cleaning, wet the glass again and softly clean it with fine 000 steel wool or organic compound that contains oxalic acid. This is available in powder form and you need to make a paste of this on a towel. Now rub the stain and rinse; again, go for the squeegee process to remove any residue. So, if you don’t find any professional window cleaning in Danville CA, try these at your own.

Tip to remember:

Use Microfiber Cloth only:

Some folks like drying window panes with newspaper, but this time you are better off go for microfiber cloths. Because they are super absorbent, easy to wash, and let your pane shine and stays streak-free. Some cloths have honeycomb texture to lift dirt from the glass without any scratch. If you choose a paper towel, choose a branded one as weak paper towels shred, and leave lint behind.

These are easy steps to clean your windows and keep doing this practice after every 10-15 days.